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DVT Analysis of PowerEsim Help Manual

PowerEsim is a free web-based software providing power supply (SMPS) design, transformer design, magnetic design, loss analysis, thermal analysis, waveform analysis, MTBF analysis, BOM building, DVT analysis and optimization of power supply (SMPS).
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12    DVT Reports

12.1       What is DVT report?

Design Verification Test DVT report may be second important tool as it report all the component stress under user defined situation. Reject, warning or pass will be commended on each component to ensure the design quality.


Reject means a fatal design error and had to be corrected. Warning means a cut corner design, no instantaneously fail will happen. Pass means the component is working safe.


12.2       Change the current condition


  1. Input the new value
  2. Press “Recalculate


12.3       4 Corners Test

  1. Press the button and the following will be shown after few second

  1. Click on one of the link to view the component’s detail under the condition


12.4       Export to Excel format

Press the button “Export to Excel format” to export the DVT report to EXCEL format


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