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Troubleshooting of PowerEsim Help Manual

PowerEsim is a free web-based software providing power supply (SMPS) design, transformer design, magnetic design, loss analysis, thermal analysis, waveform analysis, MTBF analysis, BOM building, DVT analysis and optimization of power supply (SMPS).
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17    Troubleshooting

Run PowerEsim smoothly - security setting


In "Internet Options" in IE, go to Privacy/Settings. Set the Privacy level not higher than “Medium” or click on “Security” to add the as the trusted site.



Enable ActiveX control for proper views


“Internet Explore has blocked this site from using an ActiveX control in an unsafe manner. As a result, this page may not display correctly.”


When you notice the message above shown at the top banner of the browser, this mean the “ActiveX control” is constrained and some JavaScript actions and Flash movie are disabled. You have to do following things for proper views in PowerEsim.



1)                  Go to “Internet Options” in IE

2)                  In the “Security”, click on “Custom Level…”

3)                  You can find the “Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins” and “Script ActiveX Control” marked

4)                  Check both to “Enable”

5)                  Restart the browser



Enable Status Bar Scripting

1)      Open Internet Explorer, click the “Tools” button, click “Internet Options”, and then click the “Security” tab.

2)      Click “Internet or Restricted sites”, and then click the “Custom level” button.

3)      Scroll down to “Allow status bar updates via script”, select “Enable”.

4)      Click “OK” until you return to Internet Explorer.

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