PowerEsim is a free web-based software providing power supply (SMPS) design, transformer design, magnetic design, loss analysis, thermal analysis, waveform analysis, MTBF analysis, BOM building, DVT analysis and optimization of power supply (SMPS).
Click to try PowerEsim (www.powerEsim.com)
Harmonic Analysis seems like a power analyzer in real bench, it shows the input harmonic current content, distortion, power factor, etc., with just a click. More than that, user can select different class of limit lines and see whether the design can meet international standard.
If user already select a design, this tool will inherently get all necessary parameters from the design and show the corresponding result with just a click.
If no design is selected, user can select some basic simple rectified loading to estimate the input harmonic current content., it give user a very quick estimation without building the whole circuit.
16.2 How to start Input Harmonic Analysis?(Standalone Tool)Back to top
Click on the "Harmonic " at the left main menu to start Input HarmonicAnalysis.
16.3 Introduction about interface(Standalone Tool)Back to top
User can choose the class type and standard in this area. For using this tool as standalone tool, user can also choose the circuit for Input Harmonic Analysis.
Click radio button next to the class type to select the class type.
User can select standard at the right side.
User can select circuit by clicking [Select Circuit] button.